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Vacation apartments, apartments, rooms and guesthouses in Wien 15. Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus!
Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus is the 15th district of Vienna and is located west of the city center. Although it is considered an outer district of Vienna because of its location outside the Gürtel, it is similar to the inner districts in many respects: small area, high population density, proximity to the old city and - unlike the other outer districts - a lack of a share in Vienna's green belt. Due to the route of the Western Railway, the Fifteenth is characterized by a strong north-south differentiation. While the centers of the former suburban agglomeration around Fünfhaus and Rudolfsheim, which date back to the Middle Ages, are located in the southern part, the northern part (Schmelz), where slightly more than half of the district's residents live today, was urbanized only after 1850. Thus, it is probably due to the fragmentation of the district area that no local patriotism has developed in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus comparable to that of other outlying districts such as Floridsdorf, Ottakring or Meidling. In recent years, however, there has been a noticeable trend toward a growing Grätzl consciousness, for example in the Nibelungenviertel and around Reindorfgasse. Formerly often associated with dilapidated Gründerzeit neighborhoods, labor migration and street prostitution, which has now largely been pushed to the outskirts of the city, the district has become more attractive again since the turn of the millennium and has also gained in population. Its best-known buildings are the Westbahnhof (West Train Station), the Wiener Stadthalle (Vienna City Hall) and the Maria vom Siege Church.
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in the vicinity of Wien 15. Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
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