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Vacation apartments, apartments, rooms and guesthouses in Wien 02. Leopoldstadt!
Leopoldstadt has been the 2nd district of Vienna since 1850. It is named after Emperor Leopold I. In Leopoldstadt is the Prater with the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel, which is considered a landmark of the city.
Culture and sights
Ferris wheel
Madame Tussauds
Pleasure house
Vienna Planetarium
Pratermuseum (Vienna Museum)
Maria Grün (and chapel next door)
Ernst Happel Stadium
Vienna Fair
Augarten Porcelain Manufactory
Vienna Boys Choir
Augarten Contemporary (operated by the Belvedere)
Gustinus Ambrosi Museum (detto)
Johann Strauss Museum (Wien Museum)
Augarten Bridge
Agricultural Produce Exchange, today Odeon (see below)
Leopold's Church
"Mexican Church
Tegetthoff Monument
Viennese Crime Museum
District Museum Leopoldstadt
Vacation ideas
in the vicinity of Wien 02. Leopoldstadt
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Vacation regions
in Austria
Vacation resorts
in Austria
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