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Vacation apartments, apartments, rooms and guesthouses in Wien 09. Alsergrund!
The Alsergrund is the 9th district of Vienna and is located within the Gürtel, which was built in place of the former Linienwall. The district name is used with article, for the reference to the district area the preposition am is used instead of in/im. The Alsergrund consists of Wilhelminian style neighborhoods.
Culture and sights
The Arch
Experiment at the Liechtenwerd
the Fundus - Cellar Theater
International Theatre Vienna
Vienna Playhouse
Studio Molière (Vienna)
Theater at the Alsergrund
Workshop and Culture House
Schubert Theater
The district of Alsergrund has numerous museums. The Sigmund Freud Museum at Berggasse 19 was established in the home and practice of the founder of psychoanalysis. A museum has also been established in Franz Schubert's birthplace. In addition to the life of the composer, the museum is dedicated to the work of Adalbert Stifter. The Alsergrund District Museum is dedicated to the history of the district and its famous inhabitants, and the Money Museum is located in the main building of the Austrian National Bank. The long tradition of health care in Alsergrund brought the district numerous museums on this subject. In addition to the Federal Pathological-Anatomical Museum (Narrenturm), the district is home to the Dental Museum (University Dental Clinic), the Pharmaceutical and Druggist Museum of Vienna, the Medical History Museum (Josephinum) and the Museum of the Institute of Forensic Medicine. In addition, a museum is dedicated to the Lohner carriage construction company. In 2015, the Strauss Museum was opened in Müllnergasse with a permanent exhibition on the family history of the Strauss music dynasty.
Vacation ideas
in the vicinity of Wien 09. Alsergrund
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