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Vacation apartments, apartments, rooms and guesthouses in Wien 20. Brigittenau!
Brigittenau is the 20th district of Vienna. It was formed largely on the new land gained by the Vienna Danube regulation of 1868-1875, to which the names of the main thoroughfares, mostly named after members of the Danube Regulation Commission or tributaries of the Danube, can be traced. It has no distinctive historical center and was part of Vienna's 2nd municipal district, Leopoldstadt, from 1850 until it was separated from it in 1900.
After the construction of the Brigitta Chapel (1645-1651), the former Wolfsau, the Schottenau (an Au of the same name also existed in today's 9th district in the possession of the Schottenstift) and the Taborau (see Am Tabor) were called "Brigittenau". This name was then also given to the new district in 1900, which also includes part of the former village of Zwischenbrücken.
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