Make your vacation something special with an accommodation at the Mondsee or the Irrsee ? here you will definitely find the right thing!
Zell am Moos is a municipality in Upper Austria in the district of Vöcklabruck in the Hausruckviertel. The municipality belonged to the judicial district Mondsee until 1 July 2013, since then to the judicial district Vöcklabruck. Zell am Moos is located in the Mondseeland bordering the Salzkammergut on the eastern shore of the Irrsee or Zellersee.
Culture and sights
Catholic Parish Church Zell am Moos Mariä Himmelfahrt: A late Gothic church built in 1441 with a single-nave, four-bay nave and a four-story west tower with a Baroque, pear-shaped helmet, which was partially rebuilt in 1672.
Irrseer Heimathaus: The Heimathaus shows exhibits of rural life and living (smokehouse, schnapps distillery, and others). In the garden the local artist Hans Mairhofer-Irrsee created a unique sculpture gallery.
TMK Zell am Moos: The Musikkapelle Zell am Moos presents itself on a high level, even apart from the traditional marches. The square and guest garden concerts are a pleasure in any case during a stay at one of the innkeepers. In the summer months, brass bands play music on rowing boats on the lake.