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Payerbach is a market town with 2063 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2022) in the district of Neunkirchen in Lower Austria.
Culture and sights
Payerbach was shaped in the time of the monarchy, in which it experienced a bloom. Many architecturally valuable buildings still remind of this time. Payerbach gained its reputation far and wide mainly through its summer resorts. Now it is making great efforts to resume this heritage.
With its railroad station Payerbach-Reichenau, Payerbach is the starting point for many tourist ventures, including the Höllentalbahn (museum railroad) to Hirschwang. It brought tourists to the valley station of the cable car to the Rax and the entrance to the Höllental, where the newly created romantic hiking trail leads along the Vienna high spring water pipeline to Kaiserbrunn.
Furthermore, the market town lies on the Semmering Railway World Heritage Site. It can be traveled by train over viaducts and through tunnels. But you can also discover its daring routing through mountains, over bridges and rock galleries on the railroad hiking trail. The 228-meter-long and 25-meter-high Schwarzaviaduct with its thirteen vaulted arches (built between 1849 and 1851) and the Payerbach-Reichenau train station are among the special structures of the Semmering Railway in Payerbach.
Catholic Parish Church Payerbach St. James the Elder
Historical post office Küb: A special sight, which was founded as a long-distance post office and was repeatedly visited by Empress Zita and her entourage. Today the post office is only open seasonally and is mainly run as a museum.
Grillenberg Exhibition Mine: Opened at Grillenberg in 1791 for ore mining and closed in 1892. On October 5, 1992, it was ceremoniously opened by the governor of the province, Siegfried Ludwig.
Also known from the time of the summer resort is the Payerbacher Pavilion and the jetty immediately adjacent to it. Both motifs are not missing on any old picture postcard of the community.
After the stationing of the second K&K Mountain Artillery Regiment in Payerbach, the Barbara Chapel was built in 1916 in honor of the patron saint of the Payerbach regiment in South Tyrol. In 1923, the Barbara Chapel was moved to Küb, where it can still be seen today.
Also in Küb is the French Cross, which commemorates the fallen of a battle between the French and the peasants in 1805 in front of Mühlhof Castle, in which the French lost six men.
The Khuner country house was built on the Kreuzberg in 1928 according to plans by the architect Adolf Loos. The Alpenhof Hotel-Restaurant is now established in the building, which has remained largely unchanged to this day.